We’re Chiropractors For Your Whole Family.


What should I expect on my first visit?

Before seeing your chiropractor, you will be asked to fill out our comprehensive health questionnaire. This will help us build an accurate clinical profile of your problem. Your chiropractor will begin by reviewing and discussing your health history. This will be followed by a comprehensive physical and neurological examination, after which, you will receive a chiropractic adjustment (provided it is safe and appropriate to do so). You should allow at least 45 minutes for this appointment.

I don’t like to be ‘cracked’, can I be adjusted without cracking?

Our chiropractors practice a broad range of techniques. We have lots of patients who prefer not to be adjusted with the traditional, manual techniques. When coming up with your treatment plan, you and your chiropractor will discuss your options and what is best for your problem, your personal preference and what’s appropriate for your situation will always be our number 1 priority.


I want to be ‘cracked’, will the chiropractor crack me?

Our chiropractors practice a broad range of techniques. We have lots of patients who prefer to be adjusted with traditional, manual techniques. There are some circumstances where manual adjustments are not an appropriate treatment option, when coming up with your treatment plan, you and your chiropractor will discuss your options and what is best for your problem, your personal preference and what’s appropriate for your situation will always be our number 1 priority.


Will Medicare cover my appointment?

Medicare will only cover appointments under the Enhanced Primary Care scheme and these must be with a referral from a GP. You may have to pay a gap if you qualify for an E.P.C. appointment.


Will my private health insurance cover the cost of my appointment?

Insurance coverage for chiropractic can vary between health funds. It’s best to check with your health fund to determine whether you are covered for chiropractic care and there may be a gap payment. If you have your private health insurance card with you, it can be claimed on the spot, via our HICAPS facility.


Do you see patients on Workcover or TAC?

We do not see new patients on WorkCover or TAC. If you are an existing patient of Evolving Chiropractic, please discuss this with your chiropractor before making a claim.


How often will I need treatment?

We tailor our care to your individual needs and goals. After a full consultation with your chiropractor, they will discuss your diagnosis and treatment options.

Let us help you find the care that's right for you.