Neck Pain? Headaches? Poor Sleep? Snoring?…. How to find the right pillow.

We all know how important a good night sleep is, but sometimes we spend a lot of it wrestling with our pillows to try and get comfortable.

It seems to be a challenging task these days to find a pillow that is supportive, comfortable, good quality and you don’t have to take out a small loan to purchase. Here is what I consider to be the most Important things to look for when looking to buy a new pillow.


We spend on average a third of our life sleeping, so correct posture while in these sleeping positions is essential. A poorly fit pillow can lead to both muscle and joint pain, headaches when waking, poor sleep quality and in some cases even effect snoring!


 When looking for a pillow the two most important factors will be

  1. What position do you sleep in the most?

  2. Are you a smaller or a broader build?

 If you are a side sleeper, it is important to find a pillow that fills the gap between your neck and your shoulder. A pillow that is too small or thin will allow your head to drop towards the bed. A pillow that is too thick or high will push your head up and can create discomfort through your neck and shoulders. You need to look for a pillow that keeps your head balanced, in the middle and not putting too much pressure on your shoulders.

 If you sleep on your back, we are looking for something similar, a pillow that fits you under the neck and isn’t too low; your head will drop down and push your chin up, or a pillow that is too high; pushing your head forward and tucking your chin in. The correct pillow should have your ears in line with your shoulders when viewed from the side.


If you are like most people and sleep between your back and your sides, a contoured pillow is recommended, as it will have higher edges supporting your neck and shoulders and a lower portion in the middle to allow for your head to rest in a neutral position.

There are many wonderful pillows on the market today and great ones that don’t need to be exceedingly expensive. We currently have the Complete Sleeprrr which is a latex pillow which has removable inserts to tailor for different heights, sizes and sleeping positions.

If your pillow is a problem, please do not hesitate to discuss your pillow or arrange an appointment to be fitted for a pillow so we can help ensure you are having a good quality sleep and doing the best for your neck.


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