Ways to reduce Low Back Pain during Pregnancy

So, you’re pregnant and you have low back pain, sciatica, buttock pain and pelvic pain! Welcome to the club! Studies have shown that around 50% of women suffer from these symptoms during pregnancy, most of the time, these symptoms start to trouble pregnant women from 20 weeks and beyond, but some women will suffer from these painful symptoms earlier than 20 weeks. Hopefully, you’ve read about the structures in your low back and pelvis which cause this pain here and the causes of low back pain, sciatica and groin pain during pregnancy here. Now, onto the good stuff… what can you do about it?


As Chiropractors, we are trained to assess the biomechanics (movement patterns) of the spine, pelvis and hips, whether there are postural changes leading to muscle strain and to assess the strength and effectiveness of the muscles and connective tissues in these parts of the body, enabling us to develop a treatment and exercise plan that suits your condition, your needs and your stage of pregnancy to ensure you have the most comfortable pregnancy possible. At Evolving Chiropractic our Chiropractors have a specific interest in treating back pain during pregnancy. When appropriate we adjust the spine and pelvis using manual and/or low force techniques like the activator (“clicker”).


Gentle cardio exercise such as walking, riding a bike and swimming are considered appropriate for most pregnant women to do for 20-45 minutes 3-5 times a week. This type of movement will strengthen your muscles, decrease muscle spasm and keep your spine and body mobile. Before commencing a new exercise regime during pregnancy please consult with your Chiropractor, GP or health professional.

Pre-Natal Pilates:

Pre-natal pilates may help improve the strength and stability of your pelvic floor, hip, buttock, back and abdominal muscles. These exercises are performed in a slow and controlled manner. Before commencing a new exercise regime during pregnancy please consult with your Chiropractor, GP or health professional.


Stretching the chest, back, glute and hip muscles during pregnancy may help to prevent the muscle spasm and tightness causing your pain. Your Chiropractor or other health practitioner can prescribe a stretch routine appropriate for your condition and stage of pregnancy.


Remedial massage or myotherapy may help with the muscle tightness and spasm causing your symptoms. It is important however, that you seek out a therapist who is confident with assessing and treating pregnant women and has the correct setup to accommodate for your growing belly as well as ensuring that you are in a safe and comfortable position during the massage. This may mean lying on your side during the massage to ensure optimal blood flow around your body.

Sacro-Iliac Joint and lumbar spine support belts:

Your chiropractor or health professional may deem your pelvis or low back to be unstable following an assessment of your spine and pelvis. This instability may be alleviated with a support belt. These belts hold the sacro-iliac joint together and act to support the joints and connective tissues of the pelvis and low back to prevent muscle strain, ligament sprain and injury.


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